Give me a warm spring day, and I will eat up each minute like there's no tomorrow.
wasn't this Past Sunday here in A2 just phenomenal? I soaked up every bit of that day and got a ton accomplished.
starting with a fresh crisp walk with the dogs,
then on to listening to good music in my studio with my Buddy Mary, painting side by side.
I then had her help me haul out this massive primitive cabinet piece that has been sitting in my garage for a LONG time.
breaking out the orbital sander and taking off the coats of paints........usually I will leave a primitive piece as is, not really wanting to add new paint to an old piece. I love the original paint I usually find below. I am fascinated by the old patina of things.....
but sometimes, when you strip, the old paint just falls off and you are left with a surface that isn't really attractive. so I gave this cabinet a fresh coat of blue paint, and sanded that down to give it a different look.
I think it turned out o.k.
So in ONE lovely spring day, I made a painting, and finished a cabinet, not bad huh? :)
actually, my painting needs a little metal border, and it's done.
mind you, it was a simple painting, I don't usually work that spare, but I kinda like just the simple graphic elements with the neutral tones....
I also managed to finish another painting this weekend..this one, not so simple, but I'm happy with it too...
the front room is really starting to take shape.....
next up I will be working on some pillows to fill that bed......because on March 3oth we will be having an open house at the shop to give you a sneak peek at what we are working on. so stay tuned for that.
just know I am working very hard behind the scenes....wrapping up special orders......and old projects....
coming up with new ideas....everyday!......
in between spending time with my people soaking up gorgeous spring days....
and lovely spring evenings absorbing all of the rich visual images my town has to offer
basically just having fun working.....
because you can be sure I have a head FULL of ideas and the desire to get them all out to share with you.....
thanks for stopping by to take a look at what I'm up to,
please enjoy YOUR day to the fullest! You know I will :)
Looking soooo good! Your hard work is showing it's shiny face.
Posted by: PJ Hornberger | March 12, 2012 at 05:14 PM