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« My downtown life...... | Main | A little Thank you gift for you »

October 13, 2011



The cabin transformations look wonderful! I would love to come spend a relaxing weekend beside the lake. And I'm sure your friend enjoyed not only the decorating help but the companionship as well.

While I am unable to physically make it into your shop, I have long admired the pictures that you post of the items that you sell. And in each one, I always notice the handmade items that you make. The other items were just small things that really set off your personally made ones. I think you are heading in the right direction and wish you lots of luck! I have wanted to learn how to make pillows for years and seeing some of the beautiful ones that you make are in inspiration.


Cathy G

I am wishing you all the best with your transition in life and business! You are a wonderful artist and person! Your friends and customers know that it is YOU who are the treasure and your artwork is a chance to keep a bit of that spirit in their homes and close to their hearts! Bravo for your smart decisions!
LOVE your blog!
Cathy G

jenny elkins

We have never met. I have never been in your shop. I enjoy your blog and your work very much. I can relate 100%. I once had a shop that I gave 150% too. Worked night and day. I too am an artist and I was selling my work as well as buying goods to put in the shop. I still after 7 years of closing due to the same things you mentioned (people shoping only during a sale, only at Christmas etc.) have people come up to me and tell me they miss my shop. I am still an artist, I still make art and I still miss my shop even after 7 years. I am an artist but I also love having a shop. You are on the RIGHT track! I am itching to open up another shop again and I learned so much from having one before. Best of LUCK to you and all your changes....they sound wonderful!

Janet Caldwell

It's so true that change sometimes makes us realize what is important in our lives. I love your shop for all the handmade goodness. It's what makes it special. While I don't get to visit as often as I'd like to, I'm so happy to know you'll be there when I do. Which will be soon! Good for you for listening to your heart.

Kathy Kupferschmid

One of the reasons I love to read your posts and pour over your photos is your ability to be real! You have an authentic spirit and even tho we have never met I can feel it in your writing! I have owned my Shoppe for about 9 years and we are always changing and evolving...some people like it, some people don't! But that is okay! :) Be true to yourself! I wish you the very best and will continue to read!

peggy R

I so agree with you. I have a quilt/sewing shop in Ontario Canada and I have some people coming in who always want what you dont have. I think they do that as a way of not buying anything. I see that classes are truly the way to go. It seems we have a thirst for learning. Best of luck.

Danee Kaplan

Good for you. I love your shop but now that I no longer drive to Ann Arbor for my haircut, I don't get in often at all. I will for sure be coming to take a class though. I hope your personal transformation brings you happiness and growth.

suzanne b.

Hi Catherine :) I love your art and am excited that you will be able to focus on it more. I would come take a class with you if I were local. I think you are making a wise decision to do what you love there.

I have been praying for you and your family.

Love, Suzanne


amen sister balance is key okay so are you planning to sell the block people at the end of your post I want them really really really bad...xxoo patrice please let me know


You are so dang cool. I have a good feeling about your new direction.
I can't WAIT to take another class from you!


Every now and then we all need to reevaluate how, and where, we should spend our time and energy.

You are obviously a very dedicated, loving and hardworking lady, and you owe it to yourself to use your talents in a style that is the most beneficial emotionally, and financially, to you and your children.

Best wishes to you ...

and if you ever decide to diversify your services, you'd offer some fantastic decorating services for residential and commercial clients. Nice job at Wandawood!

Lori McDonough

good for you! I'm a long time reader of your blog...from Indiana. I've loved looking at the photos of your shop and my eyes have always gravitated to your handmade art. Your style is unique and original and i think it's awesome that you are following your passion and your heart. You go girl! :)

noodle and lou

handmade is the best! especially when it comes from your talented hands:) and i truly love what you guys did with the cabins. one of these days we will get up there with ya!!! and i'll try not to steal one of those darling fish:) xoxox

Last minute lynn

More handmade and classes-hooray!


The world needs more art!


catherine thursby fanclub!

Marie Taylor

I am a long time reader and within (a long) drive of your store. Someday I WILL make it there and will be there for the art and handmade goods. Not for lotion. Thanks for creating and inspiring me to create. THANK YOU.


I love your blog -not just at Christmas or sale times but all year round! You are so inspiring, and I wish I could sign up to come in to your glorious shop/workshop and do a day with you. Unfortunatly I am thousands of miles away in the UK - so am sending a vertual hug instead -x-


That is why I just love your shop!! I so love every hand made pillow from you. Hand made is the best. One of a kind and made so well and with much love!! Keep up the wonderful work!!!


Your post choked me up. I also had my own store and the economy really hit me...right after I moved to a larger spot. Yes...you ARE only one woman and friends & family are what we are with at the end of the day. Great work at the cabins!I hope you feel recharged!

Jen B

Wishing you the best of luck and much success and happiness with your new venture! The cabins look wonderful, it is amazing what you can do with a little paint and lots of handmade touches. I'm excited for you and the new focus for Red Shoes--hope you'll consider adding online classes in the future for those of us who aren't local. Or perhaps you'll end up doing some travel teaching... :-)

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