You asked, and I am delivering......loads of pictures of my new space. CLick on the images to see them larger if you'd like. I do apologize in advance, there are a ton of them.
It's a tiny little place right in the heart of downtown. I honestly love it here. it's radically different than any place I've ever lived before. The noises, the sites, and sounds. Plenty to adjust to, but then again, I have a ton of things I am adjusting to in this new life of mine. So without further dialog, here is my new space, a tiny little place I now call home.
come in won't's nice and sunny in here....
my dogs will greet you.....they like to look out the back windows and see who's here....
My bird likes it here too....she can chirp all day long on the back porch, chiming in with the rest of the neighborhood bird-gang ....
My front window looks right out onto the main drag of the downtown street....
interesting what you will see down here at night when sitting out on the front porch....I've had all sorts of fun meeting new people......
women playing guitars while strolling down the street, visual artists and their manmade creations to name a few......
inside tho, it's a nice quiet little space, and I can tune it all out if I choose....
a little kitchen, and space to keep my treasures.....
I have ridiculous amounts of stuff...... In fact, I may be a borderline hoarder.....but this place since it's so small limits me, I have to corral myself and work within a small space.
being creative with how I store things.....
Vintage ladders make great towel racks!
especially when you have a micro-sized bathroom.
the good thing about this place is that it has lots of windows and light so it makes it feel less cramped....
even tho the houses are crammed up really close.
however, despite the proximity it really glows inside....
the dogs even think it's comfy,
keeping me company while I work, or create....
in fact, they are actually pretty relaxed down here despite the crazy sounds at night.....drunks, car horns, sirens.......trains.....
oh the train..... it likes to come by around 3 am, and several other times of the day as well. surprisingly I'm getting used to it, and now sleep thru that loud honking. oye.
here's a little glimpse into my relaxing morning on the back porch. what you can't hear is the mixture of church bells with train horn. that was interesting :)
Honestly, I don't mind it.
The great thing about living down here is that I can walk out my front door and either be right in the heart of mainstreet and all of it's vibrancy, or I can walk into the neighborhood that I grew up in on the old westside.....
being inspired along the way with the balance between beauty, light, color, and the natural grunge of the that.
I will say that I miss having my children with me every night.....that is the hardest thing, but they do come and stay with me on occasion, and I cook for them almost every night, and breakfast every morning.....I just didn't want to up-root them from their's a delicate balance that is for sure.
I do think they are adjusting just fine......Fiona likes to come here, and Jackson enjoys skateboarding downtown...there is that sense of freedom that comes with this place.
But I do miss some things, like my garden....
but I can work in one at my shop....
cuz I don't quite feel complete unless I have my hands in the dirt somewhere.
SO on that note, with everything in life.....there is a balance, and sometimes change is good. I've heard it said somewhere that is takes getting lost in order to find yourself.
I'm learning how to navigate this new adventure of mine, thanks for coming along with me and wanting to take a peek....I look forward to seeing what comes out of this new life....I have a head FULL of ideas and I think this place may help me to realize some of them.....only time will tell...... thanks for stopping by, I hope you Have a wonderful Sunday
So many people have been on a similar journey to yours, including me, but each journey is unique in its own way. I applaud you for creating your own world and nest that is filled with things you love and that are so beautiful -- it took me over a year to find the muse again, I hate to think of it now living in such dreary surroundings with all my lovely things packed away, but a nest is so important. Thanks for sharing your journey, it is -- like all your posts and shop -- it is totally inspiring!
Posted by: Kate | September 28, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Oh, I love your new little space! So bright and so you!
I grew up back east in upstate New York (the Buffalo end of the state), so seeing where you are reminds me so much of where I used to live.
Thank you so much for sharing, and I'm looking forward to seeing what new creations you come up with!
Posted by: Kathy Welsh | September 28, 2011 at 04:40 PM
visiting for the first time, I love the new space, especially your living room and your doggies!
Posted by: allyson | September 30, 2011 at 11:43 PM
I love your blue bed and use of colour and fun fabrics, a joy to see!
Posted by: Happygirlgo | October 11, 2011 at 09:12 AM
Okay, I'm a little late to this post, but I adore your new home! I agree that you have quickly transformed it into a cozy little nest that I'm sure speaks to your creative muses.
I think that would be awesome to sit on the front porch in the evenings!!
Hope things are working out for you. I'm so glad we got to 'know' each other!! Looking forward to chating with you some more.
Posted by: Kristal | October 11, 2011 at 02:26 PM
You're making a new life, and it looks good. Glad you're getting your store back to what made YOU happy. xoxo
Posted by: PJ Hornberger | November 06, 2011 at 08:07 AM