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« Black white and color | Main | Surrounded by Love »

February 07, 2011



I loved the Chrysler commercial...while I'm usually pretty critical of car ads, I really think they got it right this time.

Tammy Conlan

I live in very southern MI and I completely agree with your entire post! I woke up thinking about the Chrysler commercial this morning, again, it was beautifully done and meaningful. I love their other commercial they have that's in black and white with all the old time glamour too - kudos to Chrysler for doing it right.

my friend shared your blog with me, I just started following - LOVE your work and your blog! thanks for sharing your ideas!

Sara S

I missed both of those commercials but I watched them now and I completely agree with you on both counts. Thanks for sharing the link to the Chrysler one, it makes me proud and I'm not from Michigan! I did see this one that I thought was humorous and kinda fun to watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NGN4J6F_vI


Amen sister to American made cars! We are partners in a Ford dealership and I am proud of what Ford has done! I love your car and we have a volkswagen bug that was my sisters ( she passed away 3 years ago with lung cancer) and my husband wanted to keep it.
I have never been to Detroit but my husband has several times on business. Maybe one day we will together because I know it is a special place! Thanks for sharing!

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