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« Winter coating...... | Main | Chrysler vs. Mini.....so proud of you Detroit. »

January 28, 2011



happy birthday to my sweet fiona. she and william will be very happy together when we arrange their marriage.

hang tight, mama. spring will be here soon!

jenny holiday

Ohhh I am right there with you!!! Bring on the color!!!!

As much as I adore glittery whites...ohhh I am so so over the snow!!!

As always ...you and your fun fun fun creations make me smile big!! :)

love from the snow covered NJ Shore!
xoxo Jenny Holiday

noodle and lou

happy belated birthday fiona!!! the big EIGHT! you go girl! xox


Spring is near. Keep creating! :)


I just stumbled onto your blog and have been enjoying all the cheerful color! I love your layered canvases...have you thought of offering your class online?

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