I hate to admit that at times I have a little hoarding problem.
I save WAY too much stuff.
in my defense there are some things that I just can't bear to throw away, things that I know at some point in time my brain will come up with an idea for.
but there are also things that I cannot let go of from when my children were little.
things that were special, and oh so cute.
like this sweater for example from my friend Margaret's fabulous boutique
it was one of the very first things I bought for my little girl. purchased before she was even out of the womb, because I think all children should have some red and white polkadots in their lives.
we've gotten some SERIOUS mileage out of this one.
from baby to toddler.........and then some...... flash forward to
present day.......7 years later.
transformed now into one cute little cropped sweater and still going the distance....
which just goes to show you, that it's not always that bad to save everything...
because when this phase is done, I'll probably transform it into a pillow.... and I think that would be pretty cute too :)
I love her outfit! I especially love the way she buttoned up the sweater. Only a child. Priceless.........
Posted by: jackie | November 03, 2010 at 11:52 PM
Absolutely PRICELESS photos, that indeed an heirloom sweater. Save it for her daughter!! (and ditto on the buttoning, LOVE).
Posted by: mary boyer | November 11, 2010 at 07:48 PM
That's such a cute name for a shop! We have a treat with the same name - it's fried dough with apple bits in it sprinked with powdered sugar served warm at a fall fair! Very Dutch, Jennifer jennsthreegraces
Posted by: Jennifer | November 12, 2010 at 01:28 PM