I just love this time of year, when the leaves get crispy,
the nights become cooler, the skies a little grayer, and all the spooky stuff comes out.
I just love everything about Halloween don't you?
fun to play with decorations, pulling out the vintage style stuff...
in fact some of my things just stay out all year long.....I kind of have a thing for skeletons....
in fact I just love scary stuff period.
love to watch spooky movies,
listen to ghost stories,
i just don't want to personally SEE anything for real ;)
Another reason I love this time of year is because they have all sorts of Halloween swaps happening on several art blogs.
I have only done one swap before, mostly because I just don't have time to do those things because I like to kind of go all out on them....but this time I decided to go for it.
I finished wrapping up all of my little goodies today and shipped it off.
I had so much fun!
I packed it full of little treats,
even the packaging looks kind of ghostly doesn't it?
I made them a tiny little ghostly fairy door too.
So on that note, I am on to my next Halloween project which is making a costume for this little clown
she would like to be a queen of hearts..... i'm more than happy to oblige.
in fact I couldn't be more thrilled that she actually WANTS me to make her a costume instead of a store bought one.
........just like the good old days when we were kids and made our own costumes....coming up with original ideas.
because to me Halloween is kind of about being creative.
using your imagination,
pretending your something different for the day
and that is kind of nice too