It's never fun to see your child wake up with some sort of illness, but unfortunately that's part of life.
SUnday Morning Miss Fiona woke up with Pink eye.
always such a joy to have that virus. everyone's eyeballs in the household start itching automatically when you mention that word.
So of course no school on Monday, then Tuesday, because evidently you need to have 24 hours of antibiotics in the eyes before you can send them back to school.
So in our household we try to make fun out of miserable situations.
Now mind you, Fiona can have a fever and be completely ill, and still want to be creative and can't hold that girl down!
(i'm the one who wants to lounge around in bed when she's sick)
SO these past couple of days we got cozy in our house, pulled out some Japanese craft books, and had at it.
of course i cannot read a darn thing they have to say,
but thankfully the have pretty little pictures!
(please ignore the shriveled up old lady- man hand I grow in the winter) everything in this book is ADORABLE!!!
made completely out of socks or gloves.
..... of course my girl wants to make each and every one of them.
we settle on 2.
(which technically means I will be making them.)
here's our first little guy....
these guys are starting to grow on me......
I can see a whole family of them.
but I had work to do, so I was trying to work on my OWN projects,
which of course is basically impossible with that child..... god love her.
SO I had her try and make one on her OWN. so I could do a Little bit of sewing.....
I told her she could just try and do her best.
sewing lips.......
YAY!!! she did it! all by herself
(well o.k., maybe with a teensy bit of help from me, but not much)
you know I cannot completely ignore my girl.....
she doesn't really take kindly to that. hee hee.
did i mention she wears me out? ;)
but it's o.k., I kinda dig her. :)
So we spent the majority of the day indoors away from the chilly cold winter
and lazy dogs.....
who happily lounge with us on sick days......
(seriously, that's her happy look) :)
What a fun day, despite the virus, of course.
So today (wednesday) she was able to go back to school....which of course meant, since I was off work for 2 whole days, I was like a race horse shooting out of the starting blocks.....
trying to catch up on things at the shop...paperwork, taxes....
re-ordering.....finishing up those heart sachets, filled with fresh LAVENDER. ohmigosh, they are amazingly super scented!
the lush colors of the fabric just make your eyeballs SING at this dreary time of year.....
in fact I just LOVE how they LOOK in my house, they cheer it RIGHT up!
..anyways, I'm pretty happy how they're turning out....
I think Monkey is too ;)
in fact, it's this time of year that has me CRAVING color...
I seek it out.
I can't help it.
so today, while running an errand, I headed into a store to pick up a little bottle of wine, and some other accoutrements
and ended up coming out with a CHAIR.
a little green leather chair for dirt cheap.
(Ian was not so amused) but Hey!
I like how it looks in my living room.....
which is funny, because just a few months ago, I started REMOVING color from that very same living room....painting the walls yellow, and lightening up the space....
trying to become more sedate.......and restful.
but no matter HOW hard I try...
you just can't change your natural self.....
color ALWAYS creeps back into my life....
in fact my friend Suzanne was just saying the very same thing :)
SO I guess I know what's next on my agenda.....
giving the walls a fresh coat of paint.....
I think I am gonna probably go back to Red... :)