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« french market tote | Main | a change is coming..... »

August 05, 2009



Love your post! And love Fiona's inspired paintings. I'd love a Fiona of my very own (I'd take the real thing, but will settle for a piece of art). Maybe Fiona and Max can arrange a trade... :)


That would FREAK me out having the front door open - and of course my only handy weapon would be my glue gun!!!! Glad you are okay and survived the night. Ruler scraps are awesome!

PJ Hornberger

That Fiona is a talented girl! She does amazing stuff for her age. Lots of personality in them.
Don't you love dogs that bark when they're suppose to? That's scary stuff. Been there, done that. Love my barking Chihuahua!
When ya get a chance, please fix my address. I moved! pjhornberger.com
Now, my dear, I'm gonna HAVE to buy eggplant. That is one of my favorite things to cook. Looks so good. Pet that dog for me, and a treat. xo PJ


thanks for the shout out - and that link to threepotatofourshop - what fun!


I like the pendants settings and also Our Lady of Guadalupe...I painted one... you can see it in my blog.

noodle and lou studio

Barbie LeJeune here...I want my book back! I'm at jenn's house...just send it there! go ahead and send some of that ratatouille too please. hahaaa! not fooling you huh? Zut Alors!!!

I just adore Fiona's characters. can't wait to see them come to life:) xoxo

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