Well for me anyways! ha ha! This summer program has me sleeping in until way past Nine! oh the decadence!
Actually my kids usually don't go down till the wee hours of the night too, so I guess it kind of evens out!
Last night I couldn't sleep a wink however.
My husband is out of town yet again on business. this usually doesn't bother me, we keep busy, the house runs fine, I sleep pretty well, but last night as I was cleaning the kitchen late, I heard the front door start to open. My dog heard it too, and Ran to the front living room barking her head off.
No one was there!
It seriously scared me. We live in a nice cozy neighborhood, so that isn't an issue, but when you hear things like that, it kind of rattles you. especially when your dog spends the rest of her night perched on the chair looking out the window.
oh my.
Anyways, we were ALL able to fall asleep somewhere around midnight, the kids of course were flipping out.
but we survived the night! ha ha!
I of course tossed and turned, my mind twirling with things,
mostly these goodies, with only a few scary thoughts in between mind you! :)
some of the wonderful things I found over the weekend at the stamp show that my friend Mary had a booth at!
gorgeous paper flowers, and vintage bingo pieces from another vendor
a Virgin Mary of guadalupe stamp. Hey, I'm half Mexican, I can't help myself. I love this image! :)
interesting papers to play with!
mary at FOUND put together some fantastic paper packages!
so if you are local you should go and scoop up some for yourself!
You can also find some wonderful paper packages here
at the new shop I found in a magazine that I am FLIPPING OVER!
when I grow up, I want to be just like them! ha ha!
I also bought some new supplies, because, you know, you can NEVER have enough art supplies right? I LOVE to collect them dreaming of a day when I can actually use them! ;)
SO from Mary I bought this new stuff to make those resin filled pendants!
I am very excited to try this!
and who doesn't need some old ruler scrap bits? I know I do! :)
a WONDERFUL old book filled with yummy vintage images...
owned in a previous life by...
her name alone had me at "Hello"
Barbie LeJeune, oh the ideas I came up with, most of them involved fancy Parisian themes, and bicyles. but you know I am a kook. that's how MY mind works! :)
But seriously, when you crack open this book it is filled with wonderful images that i hope to do something with...sometime....
and my favorite...
why they've paired snakes and balloons is beyond me, but it works, don't you think? hee hee.
Now speaking of fantastic Images, my own daughter is my constant source of inspiration, even my son is amazed by her, seeing her wonderful drawings that comes from an even wilder imagination than mine!
Both Jackson and I struggle for artistic ideas all the time, but not this girl, she overflows with them.
these are her newest creations, and I believe I will be turning them into some pillows soon!, maybe even today! :)
that is in between all of the other summer activities we have planned for today!
pool, blueberry picking, library, farmers market.....
(realistically, only one of these things will probably be accomplished, but we have high hopes! ha ha!)
SO, have you been enjoying your local produce lately?
there is nothing better than summer fare that's for sure!
I made fresh ratatouille the other night! YUM!
So on that note, I am off to eek out a little art time before my people wake up for the day! thanks for stopping by!
Love your post! And love Fiona's inspired paintings. I'd love a Fiona of my very own (I'd take the real thing, but will settle for a piece of art). Maybe Fiona and Max can arrange a trade... :)
Posted by: Myra | August 05, 2009 at 01:16 PM
That would FREAK me out having the front door open - and of course my only handy weapon would be my glue gun!!!! Glad you are okay and survived the night. Ruler scraps are awesome!
Posted by: laurie | August 05, 2009 at 05:25 PM
That Fiona is a talented girl! She does amazing stuff for her age. Lots of personality in them.
Don't you love dogs that bark when they're suppose to? That's scary stuff. Been there, done that. Love my barking Chihuahua!
When ya get a chance, please fix my address. I moved! pjhornberger.com
Now, my dear, I'm gonna HAVE to buy eggplant. That is one of my favorite things to cook. Looks so good. Pet that dog for me, and a treat. xo PJ
Posted by: PJ Hornberger | August 05, 2009 at 08:29 PM
thanks for the shout out - and that link to threepotatofourshop - what fun!
Posted by: mary@found | August 06, 2009 at 09:01 AM
I like the pendants settings and also Our Lady of Guadalupe...I painted one... you can see it in my blog.
Posted by: Flor | August 07, 2009 at 12:44 PM
Barbie LeJeune here...I want my book back! I'm at jenn's house...just send it there! go ahead and send some of that ratatouille too please. hahaaa! not fooling you huh? Zut Alors!!!
I just adore Fiona's characters. can't wait to see them come to life:) xoxo
Posted by: noodle and lou studio | August 08, 2009 at 12:43 PM