I went to the fabric store the other day to get some supplies, and by chance I saw the magazine, "where Women create"
it was a Beautiful magazine, full of inspiration and ideas.
So as usual, my mind started twirling about new things, new directions, new Ideas.
One of the ideas that I've had rolling around in my head for a LONG time is a space to create art, a space to teach, to learn, to commiserate, to just plain create, and maybe hang out with like-minded individuals.
For years, I have been trying to get my basement at the shop organized to do such a thing, but since we are a busy little shop, with busy lives, it's never really ever materialized.
We could never stay on top of things, most people don't realize what it takes to actually RUN a shop, there is a ton of things that happen behind the scenes, which of course creates big time messes!
We have our regular customers, along with new people coming into the shop all the time. We would rather spend our time socializing, meeting and talking to the people that matter to us most instead of cleaning! :)
SO, because of this, I have decided to devote an entire room upstairs to my studio.
now because it's upstairs in PUBLIC view, it will have to be lovely, and organized! ;)
I have decided to leave behind my basement laundry room/home studio in favor of the shop.
a lovely, inspiring place to create... filled with light, windows, and soothing colors.
Yesterday my friends Gayle and Molly helped me move the whole shop around. consolidating retail, furniture, and merchandise into the 4 remaining rooms.
This was a HUGE endeavor, but I like the change, I like the risk I am about to take. It's time to shake things up a bit.
Time to start a NEW chapter to Red SHoes!
SO here is the start of our new space, a blank slate waiting for something magical to happen.
shelves waiting to be filled with fabric, and buttons, vintage trims, and papers, bits and baubles, paint, brushes, ribbons,
glue and so much more!
I have a ton of goodies tucked away that I will bring out, slowly but surely.
all will be artfully arranged to be seen and used at my fingertips...and to be able to share with YOU!
so let me know what you think about this idea, any tips or suggestions you might have!
I will be thinking about how to go about all of it, because logistically we can only have about 6-8 people in there at a time.
so for now it's just going to be my space, but come fall I will open it up to YOU.
so on that note, I will leave you with a few images of the newly transformed shop, because YES we still are in business, we aren't going anywhere! (people were FREAKING out yesterday seeing the blank space!) ha ha!
it will all be revealed soon! :)
but change is coming folks!
and i think it will be wonderful don't you? :)
Thanks for taking a peek!
Lots to share soon, I promise! :)
I think it's a GREAT idea .... I'd LOVE to have a shop like that!! GOOD LUCK !!
Posted by: Mary Anne Drury | August 09, 2009 at 01:17 PM
Oh I think it will be great!! I just love your shop and can't wait to go and see it again:)
Posted by: Elma Riedstra | August 09, 2009 at 01:50 PM
everything looks lovely as always - your studio will be a space that will inspire all who enter I'm sure!!!
Take care!
Posted by: artcanthurt | August 09, 2009 at 02:34 PM
So exciting, it's going to be wonderful!! I'll be expecting to see your new space in a future issue of WWC :D
Posted by: Jen B | August 09, 2009 at 04:05 PM
Creative minds cannot and will not be stifled will they! I Love this idea and love where you decided to locate your studio! Thanks for sharing with all so we can ALL be inspired! Love you and your blog! I've just started a new one thanks to yours! May the winds of artistic inspiration continue in your direction! Cathy g
Posted by: Cathy G | August 09, 2009 at 04:15 PM
wow... lots of good things cooking over there... SO happy for you!
as always... your photos... your spaces... your creations... INSPIRE!
Posted by: carissa | August 09, 2009 at 05:10 PM
Hard to believe, but Red Shoes CAN get better ; )
People will be killing each other to get one of the few spaces for each session (lottery? wristbands?)
Perhaps you can share, via photos or video, the highlights of "Studio time with Catherine" on your blog so that everyone, far and wide, can enjoy your wonderful-ness. Change is good!
Posted by: paula | August 09, 2009 at 05:12 PM
Damn right, my homey. Do it to it!
Posted by: kristen | August 09, 2009 at 05:38 PM
That settles it...I'm moving to Ann Arbor ;-)
Posted by: julie | August 09, 2009 at 06:08 PM
I wish I lived closer! I want to come and create and let my mind run wild :D and the shop looks great... have fun and have a happy week!
Lanny Stanard
Posted by: Lanny Stanard | August 09, 2009 at 07:08 PM
Congrats! I'm so excited for you. In the fall, when you open it up, maybe you can have artists come in and show their stuff and do a make & take project (pre-approved by you of course). Might be fun to get into their heads, and yours for that matter ... to see what it's like when you've got an idea that just won't die ...
Posted by: Eileen | August 09, 2009 at 08:58 PM
I too have picked up my second copy of "Where Women Create" and it has inspired me to update my studio space I have in my basement. It is a wonderful finished space with great cabinets but needs painted which I have chosen the color I need. I have a great poppy wall rub on from IKEA that will go in it. I know just how you feel. Since I am a couple hours south of you in Indiana and we come to Detroit often I am going to stop by some time. Good Luck and I will be anxiously awaiting some new pictures.
Posted by: Robin | August 09, 2009 at 09:32 PM
Marvelous idea! I'm thinkin the Red Shoes Studio would be great in Where Women Create.
Posted by: mary@found | August 10, 2009 at 02:17 AM
I wish you were in my area. I'd be first to sign up for your classes! Love all you do.
Posted by: michelleb. | August 10, 2009 at 06:59 AM
What a great idea! I saw that magazine also at JoAnn's, but didn't have my 40% coupon with me. I'm definately going back for it.
Posted by: Janet Caldwell | August 10, 2009 at 09:36 AM
Your pretty music playing on your Playlist, your amazing talent and ambition and all the pretty pictures...It was too much. I teared up and I'm sitting here crying and laughing at myself at the same time...I hope to visit your shop and your studio one day. Your blog is so inspiring and lovely. :)
Posted by: Julie | August 10, 2009 at 06:19 PM
You are having too much fun! The shop looks great, the 'studio' has so many posibilities. Way to go, girl! Wise decision... always moving forward. xoxo PJ
Posted by: PJ Hornberger | August 10, 2009 at 06:43 PM
This is a fabulous idea and I'm incredibly jealous. That has been my dream to have a shop that I can create in. You will have a wonderful time making all sorts of wonderful things.
Posted by: Rebecca | August 11, 2009 at 08:55 AM
Such a dreamy shop! I think your new space to create will inspire you and renew your creative energy! Best of luck.
Posted by: Michelle | August 11, 2009 at 10:54 AM
Congrats for your beautiful blog!
I invite you to visit my crafty blog: http://lellilu.blogspot.com
Thank you! :D
Posted by: Simone | August 11, 2009 at 07:21 PM
I love the change!Hurry with more pics--- Question?? the Rosanna number mugs, plates etc-- you have more? Also- did I send you a WWC issue with my studio in it for press stuff? lmk
Posted by: lisa kaus | August 11, 2009 at 08:05 PM
Wow --- great idea for your studio!! Being in a location like that has to be so inspiring!! I'm jealous; I love my studio at home, but I'd love to be out in a more public place with like-minded people. And the teaching idea is brilliant; have been thinking along these lines too........
Posted by: Lisa C. | August 12, 2009 at 09:28 PM
Who knew it was possible to make your store any more wonderful than it is?
Check out Moomah in NYC, it's a cute cafe where you can put together projects. We went there a couple of weeks ago.
Your Pal,
Posted by: Linda Crispell | August 13, 2009 at 05:34 PM
I grew up in Milford area...my parents are still there...I will need to stop by when I come into town!!!!
sandy toe
Posted by: sandy toe | August 15, 2009 at 05:08 PM
Your space makes me want to pack my families bags and move near by, so I can spend days in your store, It's just perfect!
Your change is going to be very exciting and rewarding,
Posted by: LuLu | August 15, 2009 at 08:58 PM