SHOOO- wee! who knew those hearts would fly out the door so fast!
guess I better get busy!
I still have about 3 left, but I hope to make more!
anyways, this will be a quickie, I am racing to pop into the shower and head to the shop to work.
my mom is on her way to babysit my little sick one, Fiona.
ah, tis the season for school illness. ugh.
So even though I had a sick child home with me this week, we managed to stay productive, and because she is such a little trouper, and very inspiring and OOOZIng with artistic ability,
she managed to crank out some illustrations for new cards this week.
I will be making them into cards in the next couple of days, they are very cute!
so here's a sneak peek into what we've been up to, and some fun product that has been coming in, I am working HARD to get them loaded onto the website, some are there, loaded up this morning, and more will make it's way there this afternoon, I am on a MISSION, can you tell!
when wild spurts of energy come, ya gotta roll with it!
so thanks to all who have emailed me lately, I will try and respond, but as usual, I am a wild woman.
thanks for checking in, and talk to you all soon!
have a great day!
PLus some fun vintage goods that I am willing to share!
stay tuned, it will all be shared soon,
again, some is already available on the website
with more to follow!
How cute is Fiona and her drawing?
Your shop looks like it is brimming with such lovely and cheerful things. I think everyone could use a little touch of Red Shoes in their lives right about now.
Your Pal,
Posted by: Linda Crispell | January 30, 2009 at 11:01 AM
Oh my those hearts did fly out the door! WOW! Fiona is quite the artist, wonder where she gets that from? Thanks for sharing your new finds...some cuties I must say!
Enjoy the weekend~
Posted by: blondiensc | January 30, 2009 at 02:54 PM
Oh your daughters drawings are so fun! I think they will make great cards. I hope she feels better soon, it's no fun when the kiddo's are sick. I love the vintage mayo jar by the way.
Posted by: artfulife | January 31, 2009 at 02:13 AM
Tell Fiona she is such a fine artist, and tell her I love her work!! Not to mention that way cute shirt ;-)
Posted by: Kelly Henderson | February 02, 2009 at 11:37 AM
oh my gosh i want to squeeze her!!!!
Posted by: kristen | February 03, 2009 at 09:51 AM