Well, we take off tomorrow for up North, I should be really excited about it, but somehow It's not really happening yet.
Maybe it's the fact that my husband is already up there on his annual golf outing for work, and I am left here to clean, do laundry for hours, arrange for pet sitting, and pack for the entire family
by myself, then drive 4 hours alone with 2 kids who fight every 10 minutes.
no. I'm not bitter.
or irritated, or exhausted already.
not to mention....
Should I be concerned when my children start to do things like this?
actually i thought it was kind of funny being anti-barbie myself, but I keep trying to remind myself of blue water, sand, surf, relaxation. *SIGH*
I think Part of me is just sad.
sad that this means the end of summer, and my sweet (but Sassy) little Fiona starts
school for the very first time when we come back.
Kindergarten is such a huge milestone, and when it starts, you know it's the end of something very innocent.
They grow up so fast. I still remember Jackson's first day like it was yesterday......
and now he's entering 5th grade, and his final year at elementary school.
Still, trying not to get bogged down in the melancholy, we stopped by the school yesterday to drop off Fiona's papers for school, and we got to see the new flooring they put in, along with new paint, and new fixtures.
you could see them busily working to get everything ready to start, it made the kids super excited to think about getting back into their routines, and the start of something new, so that was great!
We already got notice of Fall Soccer starting, and Fiona will be on her first Team sport too. so cute.
SO I should technically be happy, but this morning I am a little blue.
Due in part that I am a little hormonal at the moment, and the fact that I had to bury my little lizard this morning.
Sweet little Lizard Vid died last night.
I am so devastated about it. silly, I know. but I was SO attached to that little fella.
I did the best that I could for him, gave him a nice and loving home, created a warm and clean environment, bought heat lamps and warming pads, did my research. but in the end he was just too small to thrive. I really will miss watching him every day.
Maybe it was THAT that killed him. because when he was laying there last night
flopping around on the floor of his tank, dragging his legs around, "playing dead"
I kept Staring at him, watching what he was doing, then googling everything I could think of to see what was wrong.
Did you know that Lizards actually PLAY dead? it's a self preservation mechanism. I was hoping he was just faking it, but sadly he wasn't.
they also say that they can get really stressed out from being stared at, so I will probably go to my grave with some guilt over that one.
he was just too cute not to watch!
oh well, even Pearl knew I was sad, she kept coming up to me and squeezing in between my legs and sitting down, leaning up against me as if to say
"i'm here for you to lean on" (you crazy, sappy woman)
nevertheless, Pets know.
She was probably just trying to get on my good side just so she wouldn't suffer the same fate! hee hee!
are you still with me?
When I'm not riding this hormonal rollercoaster, I am doing all sorts of other fun things like rearranging ONE of the rooms at the shop!
I did a Little bit of shifting in the kids room the other day....slowly working my way back into thinking of new scenes, new vignettes, new product.
(and for those of you that missed the birds, they are Back down at the shop, worked into a scene themselves, happily chirping!)
I have been twirling with many thoughts and new directions trying to figure out what i am going to do.
I am taking a stack of catalogs up north with me, so even though I am on vacation and shouldn't be working, I don't consider my work, WORK, I LOVE what I do, so
reading catalogs is FUN to me!
I also treated myself to a modem (even
though this totally goes against all of that old school cabin
philosophy, where you get away from it all, please forgive me, I am
a modern girl in some respects and can't help myself)
Now that I have this modem from my wireless store i will also have internet up there, whoo-hoo!
so in the down times, when I need to take a break from lounging on the dock..... or the stress of lying on a surfboard becomes too much, I can surf the net, looking for cool goods! hee hee! :)
But For now we have a few cute little back to school things in the store......
adorable little french blackboards,
cute little memory books for those precious school years,
a cool, one of a kind vintage school desk with great letter graphics!
we also have a nice warm fall selection of colors in our striped candle line.
(more pics to follow when i return)
we have great rust tones, warm plums, and fantastic greens!
we will be expanding our colors in this line later on in the fall, so look for more goodness to come.
So on that note, I am off to finish packing, ship my last internet order for the week,
and try and find my happy spot. really truly I am excited about a ton of things,
it's just life, you know the deal.....that's the beauty of all of you...you get it.
I hope you all have a great end of the summer week, and look forward to checking in with you soon,
Also, please note that we will be closed on Monday for Labor day, and will
re-open on Tuesday with NEW HOURS FOR THE SHOP!
We will now be open MONDAY-SATURDAY from 11:06-6:00p.m
and now open SUNDAYS! from Noon-5 starting on Sept. 2!
Talk soon!