New adventures in Blog land here:
trying out new things, yes I am.
New adventures in Blog land here:
trying out new things, yes I am.
Posted at 05:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I'll admit there's a part of me that wants to go all Amy Winehouse and be a bad ass,
but truth is I'm a good girl.
A little rotten around the edges yes, but basically a true hearted person. So when my blog was recently Blacklisted as an attack site, there was something kind of liberating about it, it felt kind of naughty. like I had done something wrong and could just walk away from it with nothing but an explosion left in my rear view mirror.
but truthfully, it was a really frustrating and terrible experience.
I felt violated by technology, and completely helpless about how to fix it. It made me so angry that something had hacked into my account and tried to hurt you people in the process. I tried to go through all of the steps and figure it out on my own, but it was beyond my capabilities. so I spent $89 and had it professionally fixed.
I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back.
happy that some of you were so kind to send me emails telling me you missed it here.
that meant alot.
Silly, but I feel like having this blog repaired is maybe a sign of things starting to turn around for me, because I cannot even begin to tell you the black cloud I've been living under for so long. I'm tired and ready to move on. ready to embrace good things for the future and ready to strap my work boots on and get Busy again. ...not that I haven't been busy, but you know what I mean.....
so for those of you still interested and with me, here are some pictures of what I've been up to the past few weeks........
Dealing with numerous technology issues......swim practice, kids home for the summer......the inevitable fighting between siblings.....
hormonal 14 year olds.....
the zen refuge of my tiny apartment I've now lived in on my own for a year....
fantastic cocktails made by my friend Adam, served up delicious at the Grange downtown.
Fiona, the ever prolific artist.....
making beeswax candles.....
enjoying the downtown life with dogs.....
fiona's take on cocktail hour......
inspiration courtesy of me I 'spose ;-) but I will tell you, that Fiona will be her own party girl when the time comes. She always wants to have people over to celebrate and hang out. love that.
she will also some day probably be covered in tattoos, though for now she just likes to draw them on herself, and me.
in between cocktail hours, swim practice, and refereeing I sometimes manage to crank out a pillow or two.....
trying to fill the space at the shop. it's so pretty in here with Samantha's lamps.
birds......always around.
fiona creating by my side.
dabbling in jewelry....when I'm not by the pool trying to calm down this racing mind.
and sibling rivalry/revelry
oh that fiona is a moody creative one I tell ya.
her style constantly changing/evolving. she's truly an inspiration along with being a handful
a very soulful child......
she has her dark side too, along with the sunny spots.....
break ups are hard for kids, but they deal in their own ways........
she channels her energy into the arts, and is always singing. (in a deep bluesy voice mind you.)
she's a pretty happy, centered child.....but shooEY, you know how those temperamental artists do........
Tank gets it.
lemonade stands, and Kids art fair down.....
she sold out of almost everything. working hard paid off and my girl bought herself a bike. yes, she did.
Art fair was grueling and long, but we had a great time.....friends in town, parties at the shop, open houses, and paintings on display.....
swim championships following directly after.....7 hours a day for two days in a row on a hot pool deck watching kids swim to victory.... then the same day fracturing a wrist in a skateboarding accident.
can I get a drama free day yo? I think not.
my boy is usually on the opposite side, filming, but everyonce in awhile he chooses to be on the participating side, and it doesn't always go well.....
he's an artist in his own right....obsessed with graffiti at the moment, and unfortunately really darn good at it. no this is not his work out in the world.
but someday I hope he will make a living doing his work in the Arts somehow.
as long as I can keep him safe.......because it's a a challenge with boys.
trying hard to let him go and not worry every second he's not around me.
so I relax around my friend's pool, thankful I have strong girlfriends that keep me laughing......
and give me peace
just trying to follow my heart in this crazy messed up world.
hoping my kids will continue to grow, thrive, and be allright.....
immersing myself in my work......because it's the only thing I know how to do.
so on that note. I thank you for sticking with me, coming back and being interested in my mixed up life.
not gonna lie and say that the past year has been easy, but it sure has been interesting and never dull......that is just fine with me.
Thank you for allowing me to share it with you.
it means a ton.
Posted at 04:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
One of my favorite lines from a Dave Matthews song ...says 'sweet like candy to my soul' It's a line that has always stuck with me, don't know why, but I like it.
so it's kind of fitting that I would have something in my shop with the same name and vibe. A soulful collection of handmade cards and invitations from Local designer
Kimberly Mortson.
Her designs are simple, clean, elegant, and fun. They are also printed on beautful Heavyweight Crane papers.
So for the first time ever, I am turning over my blog to the designer herself, I'm going to let her tell you a little bit about herself and her products!
Posted at 09:14 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I love the smell of sawdust, all forms of nature, and having a good time no matter where I'm at. I can single handedly thank my Dad for all of these things. He taught me everything I know. The man was born full of mischief and wonder,
and he passed those things on to me.
He taught me at an early age about gardening. we were always doing something in the yard when I was a kid, planting things here and there. we'd spend hours and hours at the Botanical gardens, or in the woods where he'd teach me about all of the kinds of trees, learning to recognize each one by the leaves. We'd poke around logs, where all the bugs and critters might hide, or hunt for puff ball mushrooms that he'd poke amazing me by the cloud of pollen that would shoot out. Endless weekends were spent on the Huron river in a canoe. In fact, This is how I learned to steer a canoe, by the years of torment he put me through on those rivers. He would always be in the back steering us extra close to shore because that's where all the interesting stuff would be, snakes, turtles, spiders. He'd steer us straight into cobwebs, where spiders would fall into the boat, or land on my body and I'd flip out. He'd always laugh, while I wanted to kill him.
I lOVED being on those rivers mind you, he taught me all sorts of things, like being able to paddle without making a sound…. but from now on, If I am in a canoe, I'll be the one in the back of the boat doing the steering.
He's always had that kind of silly humor, messing with us to rile us up. He'd wake us up in the morning when we were kids by banging on the door like a gorilla, pulling us out of bed by our feet. It used to make me laugh, my sister, not so much.
He's always been that way, curious and kind of naughty. He told me stories about things he used to do when he was young, one of them involved cutting off the braided tail of a prize winning horse.
I think that kind of mischief comes from an active imagination, and bright mind. My Dad in my opinion is brilliant. He was an eagle scout, and track star. A valedictorian and voracious reader. He went to Yale, and then to the UofM to work on a PHd in Linguistics. The man speaks Chinese fluently. Ever the Scholar, he reads books about the constellations, and does complicated math problems and equations just for fun.
I did not inherit that math part at all. nope, not one bit.
I did however inherit a love of other kinds of Learning……reading his Auduban books about birds, visiting museums and learning new words. I also learned to make things with my hands. He taught me how to use power tools, and as a Man raising a daughter, I think that's pretty cool. You gotta love a dad that gives his daughter a table saw for her birthday. just my kind of guy.
we'd spend hours in his shop when I was a kid, He was a custom cabinet builder for years, installing some of the most beautiful kitchens you've ever seen. Working with exotic woods, and crafting things with fine details.
I learned about dove tails, and mitre joints when I was young. In fact, when I was little I had a bird that died. I was so upset and sad. my dad made me this tiny little coffin out of wood with a fancy sliding lid and an engraved top. I know that sounds kind of morbid, but it was so special. the fact that he'd take that kind of time, and put that kind of detail into something that was going to be buried in the yard meant a lot.
There is so much more I have to say about him, but the words escape me, go figure, A linguist's daughter being wordless.
So on that note, I thank my dad today on fathers Day for all of the wonderful things he's given me over the years, A love of
dogs, digging in the dirt, a sense of humor, and enjoying a cold beer.
Simple things, but things that made me who I am today. I am so proud to be your daughter, I love you more than you know Dad.
Happy Fathers day to you!
Posted at 11:53 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
There's nothing that makes me happier than hitting the open road.
The sense of freedom I get from jumping in my car and heading out onto the highway gives me such a rush for some goofy reason. Maybe because I feel like I'm running away, or maybe it's because I feel empowered by driving somewhere by myself. who knows.
I know I just love it.
In another life I probably was a gypsy or ran away and joined a circus, in this one, I am just living in one ;-)
So for the past couple of weekends I hit the road and travelled 4 hours north to my friend Kamala's resort, Wandawood.
Kamala and I have been friends for a very long time (since Highschool) we are two peas in a pod, that is for sure. We are both wild women who love music, Art, and being free spirits.
Don't fence us in, no no no!
About a year ago, after she took over running the 15 cabin resort for her mom, we started to talk about ideas and directions the resort could take under her new management. we talked about doing simple things like making new pillows, and paintings for each of the cabins. Giving each individual cabin a little bit of an update, while still maintaining the old school charm of the place. We also talked about more involved things for the place such as making some of them available for off season renting in the colder months, and doing Art retreats in the fall seasons as well. SO many ideas passing between us over cocktails and blaring Dance tunes. it was super exciting to think of being a part of this amazing place that i've been coming to for over 20+ years, and something that's been in her family since the 1800's! seriously!
So starting last fall I made the first trip solo and we started work. buying rugs, and making pillows, discussing things I would make in the coming spring.
Last memorial day weekend I made the second trip up here spending 4 days painting from the minute I woke up until late at night.
It was a ball. Creative ideas Flowing like the water I was painting by.
It was exciting to see some of our ideas coming to fruition and the hard work paying off. I enjoyed doing this for my buddy. good for her, and good for me!
one cabin in particular was my favorite, It just had, by it's natural layout, an Arty feel to it. so I made quite a few pieces for this particular cabin called "Postscipt"
3 paintings to hang over the bed that were made to coordinate with the pillows.
This piece now hanging over the dining room table....
and some flowers made to go on the mantlepiece.....
I love the feel of this place, with it's transom windows and open feel to the space.
Each cabin is unique in it's layout.......they are all older cabins, but one was built a few years ago, and has all of the modern conveniences for the people that are into that.
half of them are on the water, the rest, just across a private street just feet from the lake.
with docks leading down to the beautiful lake...
so beautiful
my little traveling companion loves it here
I mean, who wouldn't .
I made one more trip the following weekend, this time I took my daughter Fiona with me for an all girls weekend. it was nice.
each of us creating our own thing.
Fiona was working on Fish for her upcoming Art fair at the yearly townie street party.
among other goofy things she's working on......ohmyword. XOXO
she kills me. seriously.
while she was occupied,
I managed to make 4 more paintings on the second trip for another cabin called "cheerio"
a series of boats.
each one made with layers of paint, and paper
All in all, I made a ton of work in a short amount of time, but it felt good
it inspired me to create some other things when I blew back into town for my own shop.
a little bit darker piece for me...kind of moodier. I guess it's kinda like how I'm feeling I spose.
Going through all of these changes with the shop and dealing with life has made me a little bit tired and Kind of grouchy lately...not to mention Raising a teenager, ooooh.
they're ALWAYS grouchy! ;-)
So my pieces may be a tad bit darker, but that isn't neccesarily a bad thing. I kind of like them,
and I love change.
plus i'm not THAT grouchy :)
so on that note, I am off to race to make dinner and schlep people around.
it's no roadtrip to an exciting location mind you , but it is fun to drive these clowns around in my very own personal circus.
it's exciting to see my boy and girl back in the pool for the start of summer swim practice...
it's my favorite time of year honestly, I just have to figure out how I'm going to get it all done, but you know I will.....cuz i'm a circus performer.....I can pull things out of my hat, or something like that ;-)
Posted at 06:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I was born from a true pioneer Spirit. A woman who came from a very a hard childhood. But despite all that told me fantastic stories about her life, and family, and made me appreciative of all the little things in life.
Stories about learning to drive at 12, her grandfather peeling oranges in a perfect spiral plucked fresh from a tree. watching Chickens laying eggs, swinging from rooftops, and almost setting her house on fire.
All of her stories used to keep me glued to the kitchen table as a kid, wanting to know more and more.
She's always promised she'd write a book, I hope someday it will come true.
She left her Texas home at 18 to join the Army, travelled to Germany, and across the states never looking back. She used to take us on trips cross country to Texas every summer to visit family. It always amazed me that she would do this as a single mom with two young girls. she never seemed afraid. Those were honestly the best memories, staying in hotels, seeing where she grew up, eating fresh tortillas, and tamales made from scatch by my aunts. Listening to her laugh and speaking spanish with her sisters and brothers.
Even though she struggled to support us as a single parent, we never really noticed that we didn't have much because she gave us so much. private music lessons, sending us to camps, taking us out to restaurants and raising us with an appreciation for the finer things in life, even though we would have been considered poor by today's standards. I never felt that way. my childhood was rich. I ran free, just like she wanted me to. We were raised in a household that celebrated culture, and the Arts. She encouraged us to read, and listen to music. Always emphasizing the importance of education even though she only had a highschool diploma.
So it's from her that I inherited a generous spirit, big heart, and the desire to be my own person, and a strong woman. I am Lucky beyond lucky to have her in my life still, and happy that my kids have her too. She may not always know it that we appreciate her, but we do.
A woman with a true Texas sized heart and wild spirit, who even though at times we don't always agree, and I want to strangle her most days, she still manages to make me laugh, or cry at the silliest of things..continuing to teach me things and making me want to be a better person.
bottom line, she always believed in me, and taught me how to believe in myself.
Love you mom, more than you know
Happy mothers day!
Posted at 02:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Oh's so hard to concentate when you're here.
The garden calls my name,
the flowers distract me......
and then inspire me.
There is something amazing that happens when you dig in the dirt.
the simple physical nature of working the earth and soil is good for you.
my mind completely lets go of all negative thoughts and energy and is seriously restored by nature. I have been playing in the dirt since I was a little kid, I can thank my parents for that.
of course that was a billion years ago when we didn't have all of the distractions like we do now. we actually played outside until the street lights came on....we WANTED to be outside. I mean how can you not?
climbing trees, riding your bike.
I'm thankful I have kids that like to do these things.
I've been busy working in the garden here at my little apartment. I am so lucky I have this amazing green space right in the heart of the city. I even cleared out a space in my backyard that overlooks the town below, it's pretty awesome sitting under the trees at night by candlelight.
so when i'm not lured into the garden, you will find me in the studio.....I've been busy working on paintings, jewelry, and pillows. gearing up for next week when we re-open the shop on Thursday the 26th of April!
when I first opened the shop 7 years ago, I had two birds.......people used to make trips just to see those silly little birds.
sadly my last remaining parakeet, tulip, died a couple of weeks ago.
we buried her in the garden under the trees and Tulips, Fiona made a lovely shrine for her....
with her little bird bell, flowers and bird seed sprinkled around.....just about killed me that child. such a sweet soul.
So, being the animal lover that I am, and my fondness for birds, it just seemed fitting that we should have a new bird when we start our new Red Shoes venture.
So meet our new bird........
a sweet little Diamond Dove. that we named
mr. pink, chicken,
Pat, button, and now t-bone.
who knows! we can't decide! but I will tell you, I adore this little bird, and being able to hold him. we are working with him slowly to get him used to us, but oh. my. word.
love him.
so not only are we inspired by the garden, but we are inspired by our birds as well......
finally finished my hanging birds, after oh, about 8 years.......
i'll get around to the projects eventually, been busy working on a lot of things,
Fiona as my constant studio companion and inspiration.....
she's back to creating things for the Kids art Fair in July......tiny folk art fish that honestly, I CANNOT PART WITH......gonna have to reproduce some copies, because these are mine, I can't let go.....
I mean, these are the ones I made for a special order for the cabins up North at Wandawood....
and this is what Fiona churns out next to me......freaking free spirited artistic genius! oye, she KILLS me I tell ya!
click on them to see them larger if you'd like :)
my little buddy girl.
So on that note, I am off the get back into the studio, this child and the garden as inspiration.......
lots of things will be happening soon.....
going through my own personal stock of vintage things I am ready to let go of......
vintage kewpies, fun toys....
tiny little carnival ducks...... (not the letters) sorry, gotta keep the 'Lucky' letters to remind me how Lucky I truly am!
but I do have other letters and pretty plates and teapots I am letting go of......
and other wonderful things rolling in slowly but surely to the shelves of Red Shoes, like the fantastic handpoured and fabulous smelling candles from my sweet friend Michelle at Blackberry Briar, these scents she concocts are seriously AMAZING.
fresh lilacs, green grass, oh my word, once again......
garden fresh and awesome.
yes's all good....and soon, you'll be able to walk back into our doors and see it all for yourself again, so pencil us in.......Thursday April 26th.......from 11-5:30
you know we will be so happy to see you!
Posted at 11:29 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
whoo, what a whirlwind weekend! We had our little sneak peek open house this past friday, to give people a glimpse into what we are doing with Red Shoes. Just a peek To let you see what we are turning the shop into, which is 3 working studios. my studio, and two of my girlfriends studios. a Couture seamstress and apparel designer, and a custom lamp, and lampshade maker.
The night went very well, we had a lot of positive feedback about what we are doing so that was a great thing to hear!
Here are a couple of photos of what we have going on.
not a ton of pictures, too busy socializing and having fun at the open house, but you can get a little feel for it here. more pictures will come soon when we officially re-open sometime this month, probably towards the end of April.
lovely flowers from lisa at pot and box!
pillows, pillows, pillows,
I sold a bunch of them on Friday, and I usually never have them for sale online because it's hard to keep them in stock in the store, but since i'm not officially open yet. I have put some up for sale online if you are interested, you can see them here :)
Samantha made some beautiful paper barrel shades for my classroom. I LOve them!
she will be able to custom make any kind of lampshade for you too in papers and colors you choose!
they really make a room pop. truly.
finally finished some birds after...oh about 7 years.
yes, i'll eventually get around to it ;-)
Mary had her adorable little studio set up where she makes the cutest childrens things out of recycled sweaters, and also will be available to do custom sewing for Adults as well. beautiful stuff I tell ya.
All And all the night just glowed, we had a great time, and it felt good to get the shop doors open again. we know people have been anxiously waiting, and honestly, we are working as fast as we can to get them back open for good. so please bear with us, it will be worth the wait.
On another note, the same night as our open house, the streets were filled with luminaries from the annual Fool moon festival event. Such a visually stunning thing to see. you can check out some of the images here
and see more about the making of the luminaries and giant puppets for the Parade on April fools day taken by my amazing photographer friend, Myra Klarman here
I love my town, so full of Artful things to do.
the streets filled with unique individuals.......
watching the parade with my Fiona. :)
So on that note, I am off to spend the day with my girl, spring break started today.
we will probably do something creative later, cuz we just have to make things.
which, if you would like to be creative, I have some classes online available for sign up here. Simple small abstract canvasses to paint, making some jewelry, or some metal flowers....
easy, no pressure classes. check 'em out here
try it, you just might find out somethin about yourself! :)
have a great day!
oh, and p.s.
I know some of you have contacted me about having your work on cosignment at red shoes, and honestly I haven't meant to ignore you or not get back to you, i've just been crazy busy swamped with the shop stuff. so please, if you are interested in doing this, please email me some photos directly to my red shoes email at [email protected]
i'd love to see what you have going on.
we'll go from there.
thank you tons!
Posted at 11:31 AM in art, family life, Food and Drink, Music, pets, shop stuff, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Give me a warm spring day, and I will eat up each minute like there's no tomorrow.
wasn't this Past Sunday here in A2 just phenomenal? I soaked up every bit of that day and got a ton accomplished.
starting with a fresh crisp walk with the dogs,
then on to listening to good music in my studio with my Buddy Mary, painting side by side.
I then had her help me haul out this massive primitive cabinet piece that has been sitting in my garage for a LONG time.
breaking out the orbital sander and taking off the coats of paints........usually I will leave a primitive piece as is, not really wanting to add new paint to an old piece. I love the original paint I usually find below. I am fascinated by the old patina of things.....
but sometimes, when you strip, the old paint just falls off and you are left with a surface that isn't really attractive. so I gave this cabinet a fresh coat of blue paint, and sanded that down to give it a different look.
I think it turned out o.k.
So in ONE lovely spring day, I made a painting, and finished a cabinet, not bad huh? :)
actually, my painting needs a little metal border, and it's done.
mind you, it was a simple painting, I don't usually work that spare, but I kinda like just the simple graphic elements with the neutral tones....
I also managed to finish another painting this weekend..this one, not so simple, but I'm happy with it too...
the front room is really starting to take shape.....
next up I will be working on some pillows to fill that bed......because on March 3oth we will be having an open house at the shop to give you a sneak peek at what we are working on. so stay tuned for that.
just know I am working very hard behind the scenes....wrapping up special orders......and old projects....
coming up with new ideas....everyday!......
in between spending time with my people soaking up gorgeous spring days....
and lovely spring evenings absorbing all of the rich visual images my town has to offer
basically just having fun working.....
because you can be sure I have a head FULL of ideas and the desire to get them all out to share with you.....
thanks for stopping by to take a look at what I'm up to,
please enjoy YOUR day to the fullest! You know I will :)
Posted at 11:27 AM in art, family life, Music, pets, shop stuff, vintage | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I'm a type A.d.d personality. I drive myself to the point of exhaustion, in between spiralling in circles of course because I have no clue what to tackle first. (believe it or not I thrive on operating this way)
So For the past few weeks I have been working extra hard to focus on the shop, painting the walls, moving EVERYTHING out to have the floors re-finished, then moving it ALL back in, weeding out things here and there and organizing.
I have to tell you it's an amazing feeling to know where everything is, and to see your supplies at your fingertips so you can (hopefully) become more prolific.
All that working however knocked me on my hiney and I came down with a cold.
I very rarely get sick, so when I do I swear I am a big baby about it....I hate feeling like crap, because when you have one of these obsessive overdrive type of personalities, it kills me to miss a day in bed. I literally lay in the bed and flop around freaking out about what I SHOULD be doing. Do you do that too? Let's face it, when you're a woman on your own, making and supporting yourself through Art no less, that's what you gotta do right?
Anyways, enough about that feeling- sorry- for -myself -business, so here are some pictures of the shop in it's transformation stages......before and's starting to look really nice, and I am super excited about it!
did I mention I have a LOT of stuff? this is the front room filled to the celings with stuff. oye
Clearing out my studio is a major endeavor. But it felt great. My studio has had so many you do this in an effort to make it more efficient? well, I do, over and over..... but honestly, I think it's my MIND that needs re-organization. when I'm feeling chaotic, my studio reflects it too.
here it is when it's more zen 2010 mind you ;)
Actually this even drove me nuts, so I had to scrap this set up. I couldn't concentrate.
I loved that inspiration board for a few years, then it began to make me feel cluttered and distracted, so I decided to eliminate it....I have Pinterest. an online virtual pinboard that's my place where I organize things, and where I go if I need to be inspired. If you haven't signed up for that yet. run. don't walk, to sign up, it's AMAZING (and addicting)
yes, you have been warned.
So here we have the rooms cleared out so the floors can be polished, this is what they looked like before, dull and life less....
and this is the after.....ooooh ahhhhhhhhhh
so then the process of moving back in commenced, I am trying to weed through what I need and what I don't. I repainted a wall in my studio a hot vibrant pink.
hotpink is supposed to be a very energizing color, but not aggressively so. it encourages change, creates calmness, compassion and neutralizes disorder, So I am thinking this was a wise sub-conscious color choice no?
here's before:
and here's the now....
nice and tidy with a pop of color.....
before I had all my fabric in this glass case, now it's out and folded on a shelf so I can see it better, and my glass case holds jars filled with all sorts of supplies....
and a glass case holding current projects I'm continuing to work on...
i'm back to making goofy portraits of people. In fact my daughter and I have been collaborating on a few things.
Fiona draws the faces, and I been starting to paint them
I also started making these 3 dimensional portraits encased in these old Martha Stewart shadow boxes that I've had lanquishing on my shelves for YEARS that I recently un-earthed.....see, cleaning is a good thing ;-)
layers of paint, pastel, glue, and vintage papers on metal.....
of course, when i'm making my things, my little studio buddy has to make her own version.
here's Fiona's guy
crack me up.
So that's it for this week, I am back to working on projects, in between blowing my nose while twirling in circles..of course.........
thanks for taking a peek, look forward to sharing and revealing more soon because even though i'm sick, I am on a mission, transforming not only my shop, but myself.
always good to try and re-frame things right?
Posted at 11:00 AM in art, family life, Music, shop stuff, vintage | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
I know I've not been the best at keeping up with this blog in the past year...I need to work on that, because the one thing you should know about me is that I love sharing pretty much everything. clearly I am an open book.
Lots of things go on in my life, my days are completely full....just like you and most people in this day and age. we are all living these kinds of controlled circus style lives. (well some of us have it under control) I just have to laugh at the absurdity of things in my life, because I definitely don't have it under control, but I guess I like living on the wild side.
So just to give you a peek I will share what went down this week.
I heard a crash, a jingle of bells and flapping sounds..... My little parakeet fell off her perch with this kind of open-toed paralyzed foot.
oh man. really? now what.
well my little $20 bird went to the vet.
$85 later my bird got a clean bill of health, no broken bones, healthy, perfect weight, but perhaps some sort of nerve damage to her foot. so I now get to give my parakeet anti-imflammatory medicine via a tiny eyedropper every day.
evidently This is my level of comittment.
here's a fun trick, have a couple of cocktails and try and handle your un-tamed bird that bites, without gloves because you have this notion that somehow you've bonded and it will be o.k. because deep down you think she likes you!
this is not the case.
SO! In between administering meds to a grumpy bird, I have been painting the walls at my shop.......
everything is getting a fresh coat of paint....this is my new class room, isn't it pretty?
In fact if you want to come hang out in my lovely new space, I have some classes lined up online now! you can check out my class line up here . I even have a couple of night time classes lined up too.... cocktails, hors'douvres, creating tiny masterpieces....doesn't that sound like fun? :)
Now I have also had a couple of friends move their studios into my shop. one is a couture seamstress that makes adorable little baby clothes.....
i'm trying to talk her into making adult clothes stay tuned on that.
on the other side of my shop I now have a custom lamp, and lamp shade maker setting up her little creative space! how fun is that!?
in fact she has a class online now as well! she will teach you how to create your very OWN lampshade right here in my shop! i'm signing up for sure!
we have all been busy setting up our spaces, painting walls and making things behind the scene.
This bed is waiting for pillows that are being made now....slowly but surely...
in between dolls that i've been making....
and old ones I've unearthed that I made years ago that will FINALLY get bodies!.....
because this is how an A.D.D. artist operates......creating little things here and there
in between birds, dogs,
socializing..... know the deal. tiny snippets of time in a day to
make jewelry....
clean my messy, cluttered studio, (and mind)
makes you want to hide right? ;-)
nah! I embrace the nuttiness, it makes life so much more exciting and fun.
so on that note, I am back to sewing my little home pillow in my freshly painted class room, because it is such a pretty and serene space.....don't you think? :)
Really, really pretty, sunny, and fresh, you know you'd like to join me here right?
well you are always more than welcome :)
Posted at 03:20 PM in art, family life, Food and Drink, Music, pets, shop stuff, vintage | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)